A Minor Presents Phantom Atlantic 'Beneath Your Moment' Single Release at Radio, Toronto
Phantom Atlantic

It was the night of the media launch for this year's Indie Week in mid October at venue Hideout when I first discovered alternative/rock Toronto band Phantom Atlantic. A short 15 minute set showcased a selection of some of the band's hard hitting rhythmic songs which helped highlight them, as a band to remember from the night and to catch at one of their last shows of 2018. My contribution to the festival as a volunteer in the role of Stage Assistant meant being able to meet the four talented and friendly guys before they hit the stage and made their impression.
Fast forward to the band's last show of the year at the newly renamed Radio, formerly Adelaide Hall, where the band are presenting the release of new single 'Beneath Your Moment' to a lively crowd on a bitterly cold Friday night. The stage lights go off in front of a buzzing crowd that fill the majority of the room and the best opening music you could possibly choose to fit the season and add hype to the anticipation plays, the dramatic choir of 'Carol of The Bells' rings out across the venue. First song of the night reminisces the riff of One By One from one of their biggest musical influences Foo Fighters, on a song that pumps and chugs to a strong rhythm all the way through. Songs that follow have elements of other stadium rock bands Kings of Leon with epic sounding guitars and Coldplay when things become more melodic with Ryan supplying keys. Moments of guitar shredding heighten energy during the set and on-stage banter throughout shows chemistry that only a band of friends can have. A variety of different set ups and lighting during the show also manages to keep the audience entertained by every change, as Phantom Atlantic display awareness for the importance of the visual when showcasing their music on stage.
Despite only having formed in 2017, Phantom Atlantic have a tight, well crafted sound that make them an unmissable band to see live. Be sure to catch a Phantom Atlantic show in the new year when the band return to prove their place within a busy Toronto music scene. In the meantime, enjoy new single Beneath Your Moment here.